Accident mortel route de Pic Paradis : La vitesse serait en cause


Un homme âgé d’une cinquante d’années, seul à bord dans son véhicule, est décédé la nuit dernière, vers 3 heures du matin, sur la route de Pic Paradis.

D’après les premiers éléments de l’enquête, le conducteur, résidant sur l’île, a perdu le contrôle de son véhicule à cause de sa vitesse excessive. Le décès de l’automobiliste a été constaté vers 6 heures du matin, sur les lieux de l’accident. Une enquête a été ouverte pour déterminer les causes exactes de l’accident. _AF

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  1. Sunnyboy 29 juin, 2016 at 17:22 Répondre

    I was his neighbour and the way I see it is that the road was covered with soap and water needed to clean the road and to thin the first primer bitumen layer, as it was done a night the water did not evaporate, as it would in the daytime, and simply went down the hill with the soap and collected basically where he went off. Also there was a second accident a few hours earlier where the trucks turn around. How fast is too fast? he was making a run for the hill which we all do. Hope this does not get buried by the COM and that the Gendarmerie investigate thoroughly but based on my experience no chance.

  2. Sunnyboy 29 juin, 2016 at 17:50 Répondre

    The only reason more did not die is that one of the gardeners, my Hero Celange, ran up at 5.30 to warn us having seen Allen dead on the road. To put it in perspective the gendarmes had to walk up to save the lady who had crashed further up as the road was so slippery then carry her down in a stretcher. The gendarmes stopped my wife just in time as she was preparing to drive down taking the kids to school, she was not the only one taking kids to school just as they appeared having had to walk the hill due to the treacherous conditions.

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