820 new people registered with Pôle Emploi in one year in Saint-Martin


In one year, the number of people registered with Pôle Emploi in Saint-Martin in category A increased by 820 (+ 20,7%) to reach a total of 4 in the last quarter of 790, according to figures published by the management of Work Wednesday. This is 2020 points more than in Guadeloupe (+ 20,4 people).

Six in ten people are women. At the end of 2020, 2 women were looking for a job, or 930 more than a year ago (+ 440%). As for men, they are 17,7 registered, or 1 more than a year ago (+ 860%).

Just over half of job seekers are between 25 and 49, 36% are over 50, and 11% are under 25.

The number of young people under 25 has increased by 25% in one year, from 430 to 540; the other two age groups show an annual increase of around 20%.

Compared to the third quarter, Pôle Emploi registered 155 new people. It was in the second quarter last year that the increase was the strongest (+ 365 new registrants).

While the number of people registered for less than a year at Pôle Emploi in categories A, B and C, increased by 14% over one year (+ 375 people), their share in the total number remains at the same level, around 58%. At the end of 2020, the number of admissions was 610 (+ 15% over one quarter and + 3,4% over one year). 21% of entries are due to a return to inactivity (job search after a period of inactivity, end of sickness / maternity, end of training) and almost 20% to rapid re-enrollment (after a short exit following a failure to update, administrative cancellation, etc.). On the other hand, the number of departures fell by 5% over one year to stand at 570; half of the departures are due to termination of registration for lack of updating.

All categories combined, the number of job seekers in Saint-Martin stands at 5 (compared to 650 in 4 at the same time). (soualigapost.com)

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