The FEJ (Youth Experimentation Fund) is launching the present call for projects, entitled "Prevention of risky behavior and better access to care for young ultra-seafarers" - APDOM6 - Health, which aims to experiment with innovative health systems for young people. The specifications of the call for projects detail the issues and challenges of the expected experiments.
The findings and challenges defined in these areas have been widely documented by public health actors and in particular the Regional Health Agencies, but also by research work.
In these fields, in addition to the existing ones, experiments could be offered to facilitate the prevention of risky behavior and ensure better access to healthcare for young people, especially those in isolation or in great vulnerability.
This call for projects concerns all ultra-marine territories with the exception of Reunion Island. Indeed, APDOM 6 has two components, the first concerns Reunion Island and deals with themes related to the social and professional integration of young people and the structuring of community life. This first part has already been published and the projects are being selected.
This call for projects therefore concerns other ultra-marine territories and constitutes the second component of APDOM 6. It is aimed at associations, support structures for young people, local authorities, schools, public or private establishments, health actors, etc.
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