ASSOCIATION: Halloween donation drive succeeds at SXM Animal Collective


Last Monday, on Halloween night, the association for the animal cause carried out a collection called “a gift or a spell” in Orient Bay and the harvest for this first edition was fruitful.

Revisiting the legendary "trick or treat" of Halloween ("candy or a spell"), the SXM Animal Collective had the idea of ​​organizing this original collection to help them cover the costs generated by the management of dogs and cats abandoned on the territory. As a reminder, the costs related to this care, between identification, sterilization, passport, medical and travel expenses to have them adopted in mainland France are on average 250 euros per animal. Five representatives of the SXM Animals Collective therefore mingled with parents and children in disguise who were going door-to-door in the neighborhood to appeal to the generosity of the population. The latter did not fail to respond to this call, €467,45 was collected during the Halloween action, as well as a large bag of dog food, four boxes of cat food and a leave alone. Other bags of croquettes are still to be recovered by the members of the association. The stuffed animal mascots of the event had meanwhile put on their most beautiful devil disguise even if they behaved like angels. And because the magic of Halloween goes both ways, with each donation collected, the generous donor left with a handful of candies offered by the SXM Animals Collective. No spells were cast during this operation._VX

To join the association: +33 7 85 69 75 32 –collectif – Facebook: Collectif Animaux SXM

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