At the end of August 2017, the number of people registered with Pôle Emploi had never been so high in Saint-Martin: 5 people in category A (positive acts of job search but unemployed) and 111 people all categories combined. It had increased by some 5-672% compared to the previous months.
Fourteen months later, it slightly exceeds the 4 mark for categories A. In just over a year, it has dropped by 000%. This means 21 fewer people registered with Pôle Emploi.
The development of the labor market after Irma's passage has mainly benefited men, who are 1,3 times less likely to be registered with Pôle Emploi in category A. They now represent a small third (1) of applicants usually between 413 and 40%.
As for women, more than 2 are still looking for work 610 months after Irma. Or almost as much as before September 2017.
On the other hand, a significant drop in the under-25 age group was observed between September 2017 and October 2018. They are 341 looking for a job, which is overall 30% less than before Irma. The 25-49 age group registered a decrease of 9%. (Source:
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