Over the past few months, the price of gasoline at the pump has not stopped rising. Every week it was a penny or two higher. The liter was around 1,60 euros, unheard of in Saint-Martin. This trend was also observed in the Dutch part where the price was even higher.
In recent days, the price at the pump has dropped significantly, on average by ten cents in most stations on the French side. It is now displayed at around 1,50 euros per litre, a drop of 7,5 to 8% depending on the station. Note that the tax on petroleum products collected by the Collectivity has not changed, it is still 12 cents per liter of gasoline.
In the Dutch part, motorists have also noticed a fall in the price of fuel, a much greater drop, on the order of 15%. A liter has been sold since August 11 for 1,42 US dollars (against 1,67 dollars a month earlier).
The price of gasoline is also falling on other Caribbean islands. In Saint Lucia, for example, it is 1,14 euros per liter compared to 1,23 euros at the end of June. (soualigapost.com)
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