BLACK NOTEBOOK / Death of Frédéric Erb: condolences from the President of the COM, Louis Mussington


The president of the Collectivity, Louis Mussington sends his most sincere condolences to the family and close friends of Frédéric Erb.

“Frédéric was a merchant who was highly appreciated for his dynamism and his long-standing commitment to serving the Saint-Martin economy. He was able to perpetuate the know-how of the family business founded by his father Guy Erb and contribute to the economic development of Saint-Martin, notably by getting involved in the Interprofessional Consular Chamber (CCISM) and by giving his time in the associations of merchants of Marigot.

We owe him the very beautiful Goldfinger sign which contributes greatly to the economic influence of the northern islands.

We will remember his inescapable joie de vivre, his fine and fair vision of the development of luxury retail, he who has always bet on Marigot and its potential. Our thoughts go out to his wife, his children, his loved ones, to whom we send all our support and our heartfelt condolences on behalf of the elected representatives of the territorial council and the employees of the Saint-Martin community.

That his soul rests in peace ".

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