SECURITY: A new gendarmerie brigade established at Sandy Ground
The announcement was made yesterday by the President of the Republic traveling in Lot-et-Garonne: a new brigade... -
ROAD SAFETY: Several fines and three license withdrawals carried out during a speed check in Bellevue
On Saturday September 23, from 22 p.m. to midnight, the gendarmes carried out speed checks in ... -
SECURITY / Cyclonic crisis management: an exercise carried out by the Prefecture, the COM and the Gendarmerie
On Wednesday, September 13, the services of the Prefecture, the National Gendarmerie and the Community of Saint-Martin... -
GENDARMERIE / Road checks: numerous motorists and two-wheelers caught by the police
As in previous weeks, the motorcyclists of the Saint-Martin motorized brigade hunted down bad behavior... -
ROAD SAFETY: Driving license automatically suspended for motorists under the influence of narcotics
Against "the scourge" of narcotics while driving, the government decided to toughen up the tone last Monday by ... -
ROAD SAFETY: Speed at the heart of the offenses noted on the roads of the territory
Motorcyclists from the motorized brigade of Saint-Martin carried out control operations throughout the last weekend ... -
GENDARMERIE: Lieutenant-Colonel Maxime Wintzer-Wehekind named Knight in the National Order of Merit
Several gendarmerie soldiers were decorated and congratulated during a military ceremony which took place on Tuesday 4 ... -
GENDARMERIE: A cannabis herb delivery man caught by the patrol
It is with a touch of humor that the gendarmes shared on social networks a traffic check during ... -
GENDARMERIE / New road checks: 21 violations noted
A few days after the vast control operation carried out by the gendarmes last Tuesday at the level of Rambaud, the forces ... -
GENDARMERIE / Road checks in Rambaud: several violations noted, three vehicles seized
At the request of the delegate prefect of the Northern Islands, Vincent Berton, a road safety operation was carried out ... -
GENDARMERIE: End clap for the promotion 2022-2023 of the cadets of the gendarmerie of St Martin!
The twelve gendarmerie cadets (six girls and six boys), aged 16 to 17, finished in ... -
ROAD CONTROL: A major road safety operation carried out by the gendarmes on Tuesday June 20
As announced in our Friday edition, a major road safety operation will take place on Tuesday, June 20, ...