Let's go for the Grand-Case Tuesdays


The Tuesday of Grand-Case will kick off this evening in front of the cultural center. Come many!

As we announced to you last week, there will be no ribbon cutting with the officials this year due to the state of emergency. The launch of the parade will take place at 19:30 p.m. in front of the cultural center. Calypso Event is once again organizing this unmissable event on the island, transforming the Boulevard de Grand-Case into a large craft market for 12 weeks.

No parking on a portion of boulevard Leonel

The Collectivity informs you that the president Aline Hanson has issued a territorial decree (n ° 003-2016) “prohibiting the parking of any motor vehicle on a portion of the boulevard Bertin-Maurice Leonel between the restaurant La Villa Royale until the bakery Lopez ". This ban will take effect on Tuesday only from 16 p.m. to 22:30 p.m. This section of street will be made pedestrian. COM thanks you for your understanding.


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