Unemployment: fewer benefits in 2015


Job seekers tightened their belts further in 2015. According to figures published by Pôle emploi, unemployment benefit fell by 0,9% over one year: equivalent to an average gross monthly amount of 1.150 euros in December 2015 According to the institution, the reduction in allowances is the consequence of a fall in the “average gross monthly reference salary”. We also learn in this note of October 7 that “for one jobseeker in two receiving benefits, the amount of the allowance is less than 1048 euros; for three job seekers out of four receiving benefits, the amount is less than 1267 euros ”. Unemployment increased by 2,7% in August 2016 in Saint-Martin. 4336 people (category A) were registered on the Pôle Emploi lists. _EH


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