CINEMA: Once upon a time in the Caribbean


Théa Marti, Ukrainian director, screenwriter and producer, has embarked on a film project in Saint-Martin in recent weeks, calling on local talent and using our welcoming island as a setting for a genre film.

“The Furies” tells the surreal story of three Caribbean women, who embody the destructive powers of the universe and the eternal conflict between man and nature. This is the sequel to one of his previous films “The Fates”, shot in Rome in 2019.

The script is inspired by Aeschylus' “Oresteia” and the characters of the three Furies of Greek mythology – Alecto, Megaera and Tisiphone. 

Alecto embodies the endless anger of an incessant earthquake. Megaera personifies the jealous rage of the tsunami waters. Tisiphone represents the vengeful destruction of hurricane winds. These goddesses came for Orestes, Prince of Argos, to avenge the murder of his mother, Queen Clytemnestra.

“In my work, I often choose myths and legends as the narrative core and re-interpret them in a contemporary way using the local particularities of a place. The main setting of 'The Furies' is the heavenly surroundings of St. Maarten, with its turquoise waters, bright skies and white sandy beaches. 

Nevertheless, these beauties hide many secrets and dramas invisible to the eye of a simple tourist. There are stories of power, betrayal, greed, passion and danger that go far beyond the stereotypical image of a quiet Caribbean island. This is exactly what I wanted to explore in this short film without dialogue, based essentially on action, music and images.

This surreal drama is a metaphor for our society with its hierarchy, political intrigues and power games, where people's fates are at stake in a game of chess between ruling gods. 

Just like the current situation in Ukraine, my country of origin, which I decided to insert into my film in a very subtle way, more like a subtext than an actual claim. “, tells us Théa Marti.

Orestes and the Furies are the protagonists of a conflict between masculine and feminine, artificial and natural, intellect and emotions, material and spiritual. As an expected outcome in a patriarchal society, Orestes is acquitted by Athena, the goddess of strategy, wisdom, and war.

In her meta-kinematic interpretation, Athena, in her human form, is a film producer who has decision-making power over the outcome of a film about Orestes. Thus, it is his character who expresses my personal belief that the human spirit is unbreakable and that everyone deserves a second chance.

Faxinfo salutes this project by Théa Marti and wishes it much success!

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