Citizenship: One fire in two is due to recklessness!


The Prefecture of Saint Barthélemy and Saint Martin and the Collectivity of Saint Martin call for caution and compliance with the regulations on the burning of plants.

For the month of March, ten fires, mostly brush and vegetation, were deplored in Saint Martin.

Weather conditions and plant fires are closely linked. The heat causes the soil to dry out while the wind causes the fire to spread. Particular care should be taken on days when there is a high risk of fire.

 The recommendations :

1. Near all vegetation: do not light a fire or barbecue

2. Never throw your cigarette butts in the forest or out of your car window

3. Do not carry out work with materials likely to start a fire (grinder, welding, etc.) on days of high fire risk

4. Do not store your fuels (wood, fuel, butane) against your house

5. If you witness the start of a fire, call 18, 112 or 114 and try to locate the fire precisely.

Carelessness and / or non-compliance with regulations can have very serious consequences: poisoning by smoke, particularly for people with breathing difficulties; burns; and traffic accidents, fumes considerably limiting visibility on the roads.

The practice of burning green waste is subject to compliance with regulations and instructions. This practice is only authorized for foresters and farmers under special safety conditions.

Individuals have the obligation to treat their green waste by ecological methods or at a recycling center.

For professionals, essential work which would justify incineration must be subject to authorization by the president of the Collectivity, after the opinion of the firefighters of Guadeloupe (SDIS 971). This authorization request must be made 10 days in advance.

Applicants must specify the reason for the burning, the dates, times and places planned, the nature of the plants to be burned and the area, as well as the means of prevention provided.

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