Clean Up in Golden Grove: two dumpsters filled with sheet metal


Last Sunday, June 11, the cleaning operation on the property of the Colombiers family farm, Golden Grove Farm, made it possible to remove a lot of debris present since Irma's passage in 2017.

The Clean St Martin association, very active on the cleanliness of the territory by offering an operation of this type every month, was present on the property of Emmanuel Gimenez last Sunday to carry out the cleaning of a large plot. Nineteen people took part in the mission, which was characterized as difficult given the topology of the terrain and the crushing heat that we have been experiencing lately. The morning cleaners redoubled their efforts to trudge through the vegetation to remove the large steel sheets that were stuck there. Two skips were filled at the end of the clean-up operation.

After the effort, the comfort: all the participants, young and old, then gathered around a homemade soup and Johnny Cake to share a moment of conviviality offered by Emmanuel Gimenez. Thanks to them, the grounds of the Golden Grove farm are now cleaner, cleansed of Irma's stigmata. Well done again! _VX

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