As part of the organization of the “motorcycle” driving license examination tests, the parking lot at the Albéric Richards stadium, route de Sandy Ground, will be temporarily closed, from Monday October 16 to Wednesday October 18, 2023. A space in the parking lot de Galisbay will also be reserved for the Heavyweight plateau events, which will be held on Thursday October 19, 2023.
To this end, parking is strictly regulated. Residents and motorists are asked not to park or drive in the parking lot of the Albéric Richards stadium, between 7 a.m. and 12 p.m. on the days mentioned, at the risk of having their vehicle removed by the car impound carried out by the Territorial Police. Security barriers will be installed from 7 a.m. on Monday, October 16, to avoid any parking inconveniences for candidates.
The “heavyweight” plateau events will be held on Thursday October 19, 2023, in the reserved area of the Galisbay car park, between 7 a.m. and 12 p.m. Any vehicle in violation will be fined and removed at the expense of its owner, in accordance with the regulations in force and the impound rates (Deliberation no. CE77-21-2014 of July 08, 2014).
The territorial police will be responsible for ensuring the execution of this order. The Collectivity of Saint-Martin apologizes for the inconvenience caused by these temporary closures and thanks you for your understanding.
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