The State services inform the public of the possibility of obtaining an annual authorization to exercise a maritime commercial activity within the Nature Reserve of Saint-Barthélemy according to the following conditions.
The exercise of a commercial activity must be the subject, beforehand, of the deposit of a file, with the Territorial Agency of the Environment (ATE), containing:
• the authorization request form to be collected from the ATE or on its website;
• the administrative documents making it possible in particular to prove the regulatory compliance (French and / or international) of the commercial activity, subject of the request. Applications will be submitted by March 31, 2022 at the latest:
• in the premises of the ATE, located at the Harbor master's office of Gustavia; WHERE
• by electronic means at the following address:
A Technical Committee comprising the ATE and the relevant State services will then be organized in order to select the files for which authorization is granted.
This authorization will be valid for 1 year, from the date of the decision issued by the ATE. It may be suspended in the event of irregularities noted by the ATE and / or the competent authorities.
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