PRESS RELEASE / SAUR: Why the water towers?


For the past two weeks, the territory has been subject to daily nocturnal cuts. SAUR Saint-Martin is fully aware of the inconvenience caused by these, whether to individuals or professionals, hotels or restaurants in particular.

However, given the current situation, these water towers, whose schedule is updated daily on our Facebook page SAUR Saint-Martin, are essential. Indeed, the production tool (UPEP in Galisbay) is working to the maximum of its possibilities and the personnel in charge of production are hard at work to maintain this pace.

UPEP only experiences very rare stoppages, justified by repairs or unavoidable maintenance operations. At the same time, overall consumption shows an upward trend higher than our production capacity, despite our awareness messages on the necessary control of consumption.

These efforts, which are also a matter of common sense, must be apprehended collectively to enable us to reduce the geographic and temporal extent of these drinking water supply cuts.

As such, SAUR Saint-Martin asks its subscribers in charge of the management of swimming pools representing large volumes (some represent more than 1000 m3) to kindly contact our services before any refilling of water.

On another level, the personnel of SAUR Saint-Martin are mobilized day and night to intervene on breakages and other leaks.

so that these are not too aggravating factors in the situation.

However, some leaks are private responsibilities and the lack of rapid repair continues to have too serious consequences on the volumes of drinking water distributed, not to mention the overall impact on the price of water.

Overall, SAUR Saint-Martin has been alongside the public authorities (EEASM, Collectivity of Saint-Martin and State services) since the beginning of this crisis to study with them the potential solutions to be brought to this state of affairs and so that investments are made as soon as possible, investments that do not call into question the need to collectively drive a policy in terms of water consumption that is marked by a desire for control.

This trend is not unique to Saint-Martin, water stress is now a global reality, a reality to which all territories will have to adapt. SAUR Saint-Martin is also there to meet these challenges.


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