Territorial Council: Yawo Nyuiadzi proposed as future CEO of Semsamar


First, the president of the COM made two. The evolution of Semsamar which was to be the subject of a single deliberation on the agenda of the plenary session of the territorial council yesterday, was finally addressed in two resolutions.

The twenty-two elected officials present were invited to position themselves on the one hand on the development of governance with the establishment of a CEO in place of a president and a general management, on the other hand on the proposal of an elected official for this post.

With fifteen votes in favor, the deliberation relating to the establishment of a CEO was adopted. This decision will be submitted to the next board of directors of Semsamar which is to take place on December 18.

In addition, the president of the COM suggested that the current president of the board of directors, Yawo Nyuiadzi, present his candidacy on December 18 for this post in the assumption that the board of directors validates the post of P- DG.

The choice of Yawo Nyuiadzi was approved by twelve elected officials. Mirelle Meus and Claire Manuel Philips (proxy vote) abstained; Annick Petrus, Sofia Carti (proxy vote) and Maud Ascents-Gibs voted against in the majority as did Bernadette Davis, Louis Mussington (proxy vote) and Jules Charville in the opposition.

It is up to the board of directors to validate their appointment.

With regard to his remuneration, the said deliberation mentions that “any remuneration paid to the CEO would of course remain in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions defining the ceiling for this remuneration, ie one and a half times the amount of the parliamentary allowance*, all allowances combined ”. However, it is not specified whether the compensation quoted is monthly or annual.

Today, the salary paid to the DG is capped at € 400 per year, that of the chairman of the board of directors € 000 per month.

* Basic monthly allowance: € 5, gross monthly amount: € 599,80.

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1 comment

  1. GERTRUDE December 14, 2018 at 07:32 am Reply

    Banana Republic that ST Martin… .. exorbitant salaries paid to incompetents with the blessing of the STATE, ST MATIN BECOME A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY… SAD VERY SAD

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