POLICE COOPERATION: Joint checks between the KPSM and the gendarmerie in Bellevue


A week after a meeting organized at the Philipsburg police station between the police officers of the KPSM (Korps Politie Sint Maarten) and the gendarmerie, the police forces of the two parts of the island organized last Friday a joint control in the sector of Bellevue .

A large force (15 gendarmes and 11 Dutch police officers) has been deployed in the context of the fight against armed robbery, the possession and circulation of weapons, but also the fight against road insecurity, including rodeos.

Nearly 200 vehicles were checked and numerous offenses (refusal to comply, blood alcohol level, transport and possession of narcotics) were noted. Several vehicle owners have had to remove the excessively opacifying films installed on the windows, according to the legislation in force in the 2 countries. As a reminder, since 1er January 2017, the “over-tinting” of vehicle front windows and windscreens is sanctioned by the Highway Code. This device not only prevents everyone from seeing the reaction of the driver in his driving but does not allow the police to fight against attacks on persons and property and to protect themselves effectively.

Motorists caught at fault incur a fine of 135 euros (contravention of 4rd class) and a deduction of 3 points on their driving license and immobilization of the vehicle.

"Other joint controls will be renewed regularly", warn the police". On good terms… _AF


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