Mail from readers: Nearly 400m3 of drinking water dumped into the wild every day at Terres-Basses!


For 48 hours, a drinking water leak of more than 350 m3 of water / day has been observed in the Terres Basses ...

The pipe concerned is located under a private road in Terres Basses and serves individual SAUR Subscribers. This conduct  had been installed and maintained by successive predecessors of SAUR.

The owners' ASL  des Terres Basses contacted SAUR, through its Agency Manager, Mr. Jean Marie GACIONE, with a view to repairing this major leak.

The SAUR has a Concession contract via a DSP with the Community represented by the EEASM (Water and Sanitation Establishment), since December 2018.

This contract does not provide for SAUR to intervene for maintenance and repairs that are under private roads.

The Landowners ASL ASL has never been informed of this new provision and is therefore faced with a fait accompli.

To date, this leak has still not been repaired and more than 1200 cubic meters of drinking water have already been wasted….

A different between the Saur and the Eeasm blocks the repair….

Both invoke private property when this pipe has been installed and maintained by Générale des Eaux for decades….

Why this pipe is now private when it is not the case for other networks (EDF, Orange,… ..) and more particularly that of wastewater (Eeasm) which crosses our subdivision without any agreement….

ASL of the Owners Lowlands


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