COVID-19: Fall in the number of active cases in Dutch part


The number of contaminations remains stable in the Dutch part with 15 new cases of covid-19 recorded last week, as many as two weeks ago and two more cases compared to the previous week. Since March last year, 2 people have been infected with the virus, of which 085 have been declared cured.

As of March 15, authorities count 10 active cases, 7 fewer than the previous week. 23 other people (not tested) are in quarantine because they are contact cases.

According to health bulletins, 924 tests were performed last week against 1 the week before. In one year, 875 tests were carried out partly in Holland.

Regarding vaccination, 3 doses were administered according to data published on the government website, or 188 in one week. Nearly 1 people registered on the site to obtain an appointment.

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