COVID-19: The staff of the Saint-Martin hospital mobilized


Two people have been hospitalized since last Friday at the Center Hospitalier de Saint-Martin for confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus.

These two people have no symptoms. They are for the moment confined in a dedicated space which had been prepared as of last week in the event that the hospital is brought to receive contaminated patients and in the event that their state of health requires hospitalization.

This dedicated unit isolates infected patients from the rest of the hospital. It has 8 hospital beds and is equipped with the necessary equipment to receive patients. The staff of this unit is dedicated staff who have suitable protective equipment that complies with national recommendations.

The hospital continues to operate normally and the reception of other patients is not disturbed.

In conjunction with the health authorities and depending on the evolution of the situation, the hospital will adapt its organization to meet the needs of the population and to continue to carry out its missions.

Message for Patients and Visitors

The Saint-Martin Hospital Center wishes to assure all patients hospitalized within the establishment for any other reason, that all the appropriate precautionary measures and protocols are well implemented to guarantee the safety of their treatment. charge.

The establishment asks accompanying persons and visitors who have gone to a risk zone in the last 15 days not to come. In case of fever, feeling of fever, cough, difficulty breathing, people are invited to:

• Quickly contact the SAMU Center 15,

• Avoid contact with those around them and wear a mask,

• Do not go directly to the doctor or to the hospital emergency room but call 15.

Center 15 will take care of the organization of their care. In this context, the hospital management would like to thank all the hospital staff for their exemplary mobilization and their remarkable work.


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