Covid-19: Reopening of schools, shops, bars and restaurants: a deconfinement strategy in Saint Martin under development


The Prefecture recalls that the deconfinement strategy for Saint-Martin is still being developed, in conjunction with the Collectivity of Saint-Martin. Meetings are being held this week to specify the timetable for the application of the measures.

An evolving deconfinement plan

As soon as it is finalized, the Prefecture will send the deconfinement plan drawn up in partnership with the Collectivity of Saint-Martin to the Ministry of Overseas, which will validate its feasibility. This plan is subject to change depending on the health status of our territory and the results of the test campaign currently underway in the neighborhoods which require us to be cautious. Pending validation of this document, the Prefecture applies and communicates on the measures taken by the Government to be implemented in Saint-Martin.

The bathing authorization depends on the results of the water quality tests carried out by the ARS

The reopening of the beaches to bathing activity only is subject to the prior agreement of the ARS, which carries out water quality analyses. To date, the results of these samples are not known. Bathing is therefore prohibited.

In accordance with the announcements of the President of the Republic, the resumption of school is announced on May 11

The reopening of schools on May 11 is maintained. With regard to public establishments, discussions are continuing with the Collectivity of Saint-Martin and the Rectorate in order to determine the conditions for recovery.

The reopening of shops is subject to compliance with the health protocol

A meeting is being held today in the Prefecture with the Collectivity of Saint-Martin and all the players to determine the date and conditions for the reopening of shops, bars and restaurants. Before any reopening, each establishment must comply with a strict health protocol and ensure compliance with barrier measures. The implementation of these systems may be controlled by State services.

To overcome the epidemic, everyone must respect the confinement instructions and keep informed of the new measures on the official sites and pages of the ARS and the Prefecture.


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