CULTURE: Young people from the Local Mission immersed in the filming of 'Murders in Saint-Martin'


Gathered this Monday, June 10 in Colombier, a group of young people from the Local Mission and two final year high school students who will begin audiovisual studies next year attended the filming of the TV film “Murders in Saint-Martin”.

In the company of Raphaël Sanchez, president of the Local Mission, the young people discovered behind the scenes of the world of television and the different professions in the audiovisual sector. For Dominique Démocrite Louisy, 3rd VP of the COM, this is “an excellent opportunity to see a shoot live. This is the first time that we are really involving the population and we have the desire of the Community to develop this sector by creating, by 2025, an office to host filming for the low season with Fabiola Rioual (head of audiovisual project in charge of hosting the filming of the TV film, editor's note). The founders of Eloa Prod, France Zobda and Jean-Loup Monthieux, were particularly keen on this filming in Saint-Martin to bring more visibility to the diversity and culture of overseas territories with a nice message for young people: “We want convey to young people that everything is possible, you just need to have the desire and give yourself the means.” With more than a hundred extras and 6 small roles on the clock, the island of Saint-Martin will be worthily represented. Filming continues until June 30. _VX

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