ECONOMY / European Funds Monitoring Committee: two days dedicated to regional projects (2/2)


As announced in our edition yesterday, the Collectivity of Saint-Martin received on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 February a delegation from the European Commission, who came to check on the smooth running of the projects financed by European funds.

At the time of the launch of the 2021-2027 programming of European funds, President Mussington and Prefect Berton both dwelt, during the introductory remarks, on the colossal challenges to be met in order to allow the conditions for harmonious and sustainable development of the territory.

The ERDF envelope of 58,8M € allocated to Saint-Martin over the 2021-2027 period should make it possible to continue the effort to catch up on basic infrastructure and to strengthen support measures for the local economic fabric.

Finally, the envelope of 20M € from which the territory benefits under the National ESF+ OP should make it possible to continue strengthening education, training and employment support systems to promote the employability of people who are far from employment and reduce the unemployment rate high in the territory, especially among young people.

The next ERDF and ESF+ operational programs will be officially launched in Saint Martin in June 2023.


Several funded projects by the European Union presented to the Brussels delegation

President Louis Mussington and his teams have set up a program of visits with the Department of European Funds and Contractual Policies of the Collectivity, in order to present the projects financed by the Union to the Brussels delegation.

The visit began on the Marigot seafront, where the ferry terminal transformation project and the new information kiosk of the tourist office were presented.

These two public projects for tourism are supported by the Collectivity of Saint-Martin and its satellites, the Port of Galisbay and the Tourist Office. They were financed thanks to the European recovery funds, the ERDF REACT EU.

The delegation then went to Colombier, to meet Mr. Emmanuel Gimenez, manager of the company Carib Gènes, which specializes in the reproduction of cattle, then to the restaurant 978 Sanctorum, two private projects financed with the help of European EAFRD funds.

In the afternoon, the delegation visited a project financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), concerning the professionalization of informal sea fishermen (NEET) provided by the EFPMA Training Center.

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