ECONOMY: COM closes its 2021 accounts with a surplus of €56,96 million


The elected representatives of the territorial council adopted last month the administrative and management accounts of the Collectivity, in other words they validated the expenses and receipts of the COM during the last year.

The budget voted for the year 2021 amounted to 259 million euros, including 99 million in the investment section and 160 in the operating section.

In the investment section, 33,71 million were spent – ​​ie a third of what had been programmed – while receipts amounted to 17,25 million euros. This section thus presents a deficit of 16,46 million. Despite the carryover of 15,78 million from the previous year, the section remains negative (-674 euros).

In the operating section, the trend is the opposite. 157,42 million were collected and 123,62 million spent. To this surplus of 33,79 million euros, we must add the result of the previous year, ie 23,84 million euros. The operating section thus shows a surplus of 57,64 million euros.

In the end, the accounts of the COM such as the elected officials voted them, show a surplus of 56,96 million euros. 

“The completion rates in the investment section are still low. The study phases prior to the work were not sufficiently advanced for certain operations. In 2022 and 2023, the achievement rates will be much higher. Operations such as the 600 and 900 colleges or the media library, even if they are co-financed, amount respectively to several tens of millions of euros. Also these surpluses will be less in the following years”, explains the president Louis Mussington. (


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