EDF Archipel Guadeloupe informs of a risk of power supply disruptions in Saint-Martin


January 17, 2025 – Due to a fault in one of the engines at the Galisbay power plant in Saint-Martin, the island's power supply may be disrupted from the evening peak – today – until the middle of next week.

In this context of fragility, EDF Archipel Guadeloupe, manager of the electricity system, could be required to carry out load shedding.

EDF Archipel Guadeloupe strongly encourages the population to limit their electricity consumption to what is strictly necessary. Here are some simple and useful actions to adopt:

Air conditioning is one of the largest sources of electricity consumption in Saint-Martin. Limit its use. Otherwise, set the air conditioning to a moderate temperature, taking care to close doors and windows. Setting your air conditioner to one degree higher allows you to save 10% of electricity. When leaving an air-conditioned room, turn off the equipment.

• For customers who have a swimming pool, consider reducing the operating time of the pool pump : o Tip 1: Limit operation strictly to the 12 sunny hours of the day. In this tense context, respecting a minimum of 6 hours would be an additional gesture for the electricity network,

o Tip 2: Using a timer is recommended;

o Tip 3: Remember to clean the filters.

• In general, limit the use of your electrical appliances.

• Unplug unused electrical devices (even on standby your equipment consumes power).

In addition, additional generators have arrived on the island, which will be commissioned at the beginning of February, and will increase the production capacity of the emergency power plant by 10 MW. These generators will be commissioned by AGGREKO, EDF's service providers, in order to contribute to securing the electrical system in the current context of tensions.

The EDF Archipel Guadeloupe teams are fully mobilized to limit the impact of this situation on the electricity supply to the Saint-Martin population.




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