In order to secure the deployment of projects and strategic orientations for the 2022-2027 term of office, the executive has entrusted the Director General of Services, Albert Holl, and the Director of Human Resources, Nabila Benrached, with the mission of revising the organization chart of the Collectivity of Saint-Martin.
The main challenge of this new organization chart is to co-construct an organization that meets the challenges of the territory to take into account the strategic orientations of the current term of office, the control of the payroll (€53,65 million in 2022, amount corresponding to 43,1% of the COM's tax revenue, compared to 65% in 2012), the increase in the needs and demands of the public and the adequacy of the COM's services rendered to the expectations of the local population in the effective respect of the major principles of public service. The provisions of the General Local Authorities Code, and the development of new professions for the construction of a modern, efficient and respected administration were also examined. An ecological, energy, digital transition that leads the Collectivity to consolidate its policies
services and refining the management of services completed the list of considerations. The new organization chart of the services offered thus constitutes a target organization chart which will soon be adopted by order of the President of the Territorial Council. The Community employment table was therefore adopted on 20 July last in order to enable its implementation and to ensure the organization and effective management of the COM's human resources with the creation of two additional delegations, "Security and Public Tranquility” and “Strategic Support and Support”.
The number of jobs, as of June 30, 2023, thus amounted to 970 agents, including 248 non-tenured agents, i.e. 25% of the workforce: 121 category A and A+ jobs (12,5% of the total), 81 category B (8,3% of the total), 724 category C jobs (74,6% of the total) and 40 non-category jobs (family assistants, 4,1% of the total). All jobs in the Collectivity are open to the minimum and maximum grade of each job framework and can be filled by non-permanent staff. _VX
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