Employment: COM recruits 7 civic service agents


The Collectivity of Saint-Martin informs the public of the opening of 7 civic service agent positions in the Houses of Public Services (MSAP) of Saint-Martin. Four positions are to be filled in the MSAP of Quartier d'Orléans and 3 positions are to be filled in the MSAP of Sandy Ground.

Applicants must be between 16 and 25 years old (up to 30 years old for young people with disabilities).

Position: Digital mediator

Places : MSAP of Quartier d'Orléans (4 positions)

MSAP from Sandy-Ground (3 positions)

Contract length : 8 months (from January 02 to August 31, 2020)

Duration: Monday - Thursday (8:15 a.m. - 13:15 p.m.) / Friday (8:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.): (24 hours a week)

Indemnification: € 580,62 / month - € 688,30 / month (if the young person is part of a household benefiting from the RSA or if the young person receives the RSA) ¹

Mission: supporting the public in carrying out digital administrative tasks / procedures.

Role of the MSAP: The purpose of the Public Service Houses is to offer users a place of welcome and support, allowing them to obtain various administrative information and carry out multiple procedures with the CAF, CGSS and Pôle emploi. It allows the public to benefit from a local reception point, relay of the administrations and public services intervening as well in the social field as of employment.

Documents required :

• ID

• Social security certificate or copy of the vital card

• RIB (Current account only)

• Criminal record https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F1420

• Curriculum vitae (CV)

• Copy of the family book if the young person is a minor

Application procedures:

Applications must be sent by email to the following 3 addresses before December 20, 2019, deadlines:




Pour tout renseignement with supplementary insurance. please contact the MSAP on 06 90 66 33 66 or 06 90 66 88 66.

¹. The young person's RSA will be suspended for the duration of their mission

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