ENTREPRENEURSHIP: FCE Saint-Martin Saint-Barthélemy celebrates its 1st year of existence


This Tuesday, October 17 in the evening, the association Femmes Cheffes d'Entreprises (FCE) of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy, chaired by Mélanie Dal Gobbo, will blow out its first birthday candle at Sanctorium 978 during an evening dedicated to sharing of experiences and inspiring speeches.

Launched on October 25, 2022 in the territory of Saint-Martin, the FCE association, which has become the first women's entrepreneurship network in France and in the world, aims to encourage women to take responsibility in managerial mandates, to inform and train its members, promote solidarity, friendship, goodwill and exchanges through privileged links. For this first anniversary, the FCE has decided on a theme that will highlight entrepreneurs on the island who started with an idea, to inspire themselves and grow together: “They started from zero and…”.

The evening will begin at 18:30 p.m. with the conference hosted by six speakers: Schmidt from Mood SXM, Johan from Captain Jo, Lou Mataly for high-level basketball, Jennifer Vignau from Interior Design, Angèle Dormoy president of the CCIM and multi-entrepreneur and Mélanie Dal Gobbo for Art For Science. Each speaker will describe, during their 7 minutes of speech, their profile, their ideas, their journey, their doubts, their hard knocks, their professional and personal development, their successes, inspiring the assembly who may still be hesitant to get started.

The FCE regularly organizes workshops for its members, like last September 23, with one focused on the style and strategy to adopt as a business leader. Around fifteen women and one man participated in the event, still in this dynamic of sharing, networking and future partnerships. The birthday evening on October 17 will be in the same vein and promises to be a source of inspiration, motivation and enriching encounters, marking the end of the year 2023 and the start of a year 2024 filled with new opportunities. The Sanctorum 978 will take the opportunity to present its new “Caribbean Chic” menu linked to the positioning of the restaurant, located in Rambaud. _VX

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