ENVIRONMENT: Great collective cleaning of the territory: it continues!


A major collective cleaning of the territory, before the peak of the hurricane season, has begun  on July 8 and will continue until August 20.

Individuals and businesses are invited to participate. The objective is to give each citizen the opportunity to carry out a major clean-up so that the territory is permanently clean and that there are as few cumbersome as possible on the public domain.

What there is to know

• Deposit the waste every evening from 18:00 p.m. on the side of the roads, as close as possible to the usual collection points

• The collection of bulky items is carried out every evening from 23:00 p.m. (7 days a week)

• The collection of green waste is carried out from Monday to Saturday, every evening after 23:00 p.m.

• 14 large dumpsters will be installed in the neighborhoods so that the population can evacuate large bulky items

• Out-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) are evacuated free of charge by the local authority, on request from the Environment Department: By email: Guichet-Environnement@com-Saint-Martin.fr or by telephone:

0690 22 29 78 / 0690 75 52 91 / 0690 88 69 29

• The gullies will be cleaned in July and August to allow water to flow in the event of heavy rains.

The Collectivity of Saint-Martin invites you to actively participate in this clean-up operation and in the preparation for the hurricane season. This operation is carried out in partnership with the VROMI ministry of Sint Maarten.

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