Excellent quality of bathing water in Saint-Martin


Every year, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy produces and issues a report on the quality of bathing water for each of these territories. In Saint-Martin, 92% of the 12 sea bathing sites are of excellent quality.

The ARS ensures the regular health control of all declared bathing areas in Guadeloupe and in the two overseas communities: Saint-Martin and Saint Barthélemy.

For the archipelago, the bathing season is open all year round and begins on October 1 and ends on September 30 of the following year. The results of the health control are the subject of information to the European Union and are transmitted by the ARS, to the mayors, to the presidents of the communities or private persons responsible for bathing. Sanitary control consists of regular monitoring in the field, water sampling and the sanitary interpretation of the results of analyzes carried out by the Pasteur Institute of Guadeloupe, a laboratory approved by the Ministry of Health, on a maximum duration of 30 days between two controls that comply with the Public Health Code. Two bacteriological parameters, indicators of water quality, are sought: Faecal streptococci and Escherichia coli. In the field, in addition to taking the sample, a visual check is carried out: transparency, presence of artificial moss, tarry residue, glass, plastic or other. The annual ranking is calculated on the results of the last 4 years, it relates to 4 levels of quality: excellent, good, satisfactory or insufficient. For Saint-Martin, 195 samples were taken at 12 sea bathing sites referenced at European level, namely Baie Longue, Baie aux prunes, Baie Rouge, Friar's Bay, Grand-Case, Petite Plage, Anse Marcel, Orient Bay Points nord and South, North and South Mouth Bay and Pinel Islet. 92% of classified swims show an excellent result. One site is unclassified, due to insufficient sampling. Results for Saint-Barth and Guadeloupe in our next edition. _VX

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