MISCELLANEOUS: Stoned gendarmes at Sandy Ground


Gendarmes were attacked by several individuals in the Sandy Ground district on the night of Monday to Tuesday. Unbearable and unspeakable acts of violence condemned by the local authorities.

After a gendarmerie patrol left its cantonment of Nettle Bay to go to Concordia, the gendarmes were targeted by stone throwing during their passage through Sandy Ground. Despite everything, they continue on their way towards Colombier for a burglary.

Shortly before one o'clock in the morning, the police received a call for garbage fires on the road to Sandy Ground. Two other patrols are then sent to the site to secure the intervention of the firefighters. On their arrival, the soldiers are greeted by new throwing stones and are harassed to the bridge while other individuals install obstacles on the road to block traffic.

A third patrol is called in as reinforcements. The military take over the land to allow the free circulation of the road network.

However, young people on foot or on scooters continue to provoke the gendarmes, forced to fire a defense bullet launcher (LBD).

To avoid any form of escalation of violence, the gendarmes made no arrests.

Relative calm returned to Sandy Ground around 4 a.m. No injuries are reported. _AF

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