“As part of the work of the Operational Committee for Environmental and Urban Planning Policies (COPOLENU) in Saint-Martin, targeted and concerted checks carried out by the DEAL, the PAF, the Gendarmerie (urban planning unit), the police and the urban planning department of the community, the head of veterinary public health, in partnership with the tax services and the URSSAF in particular, made it possible to identify numerous environmental offenses (construction in the PPRN risk zone), urban planning (lack of building permit or prior declaration of work) and concealed work (concealment of activity and of employee, employment of foreigners without titles).
Six reports of illegal construction are being drafted and several summons to court have been issued for concealed work.
A first "wild" bar-restaurant establishment was closed in Grand-Case, at 58 bd Maurice-Bertin, the work being carried out by a pseudo company not registered in the trade register and not known to the tax authorities (TGCA and tax on companies), without respecting the land use plan by having increased the footprint without a building permit and less than 18 meters from the shore, in a risk zone (orange zone of the PPRN) without sufficient protection for the electrical installation and the public. This constitutes offenses against the codes of labor, town planning and the environment, in addition to the food hygiene conditions of the farm were deemed dangerous for public health, justifying a prefectural administrative closure order, placarded on the establishment last Saturday, the operator having hastily recovered his equipment and disappeared without leaving an address ”, specifies the detached parquet floor of Saint-Martin.
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