End of FPA training for 10 territorial police officers


President Aline Hanson received, Monday, July 11, ten territorial police officers who have just completed their pre-armament training (FPA). Since 2015, the community of Saint-Martin has swelled the ranks of its territorial police, increasing its staff from 22 to 32 police officers. 

This initiative is part of the professionalization of territorial agents with the aim of strengthening prevention means in the territory. Provided by the regional delegation of the National Center of the Territorial Public Service (CNFPT), the training took place at the shooting center of Anse Marcel.

The first two days of training concerned the theoretical aspect, while the two weeks that followed allowed the police to train in the technical handling of firearms. The territorial police chief, Albert Conner, greeted his new recruits who showed good motivation.

President Aline Hanson congratulated the ten police officers who are now able to carry weapons, for their involvement; she encouraged them to adopt exemplary behavior once armed.

The President also wishes to thank the CNFPT, and salutes the partnership of the Saint-Martin shooting association, represented by its President, Mr. Jacques Lelièvre and Mr. Robert David, owner of the premises, who enabled this training to take place in Saint- Martin._AF


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