Taxation / Territorial Council: 2 million euros of old receivables admitted as non-value


The second item on the agenda of the Territorial Council of July 11, 2 concerned the admission of non-value receipts from receipts issued by the Municipality and subsequently by the Collectivité, of Saint-Martin. The Collectivity of Saint-Martin recorded 115 euros of revenue not collected between 660 and 76. It involved removing them from the accounts.

"The vast majority of the titles of receipts which it is proposed to you to admit in non-value are prescribed or represent small amounts whose recovery would be much more expensive than the sums concerned" could we read in the document given to elected officials at the start of the session.

The administrator of public finances of Saint-Martin Willy Wilczek came to justify his request: "I have about 90 million living claims in Saint-Martin and you understand very well that with regard to the tools and human resources which are mine, I have to focus on the claims that have the most stake and freshness ”. He continues: "what I propose to you is to neutralize for accounting, 2 million very very old receivables, for which if I made a cost / benefit balance, the effort possibly deployed would be in light of the very low result, since these are people who have left the island, are insolvent or in a difficult situation ”. Willy Wilczek also advances: "It is absolutely essential that we gradually clean up on the basis of a plan of this type, the territorial chamber has also pointed out."

Indeed, as quoted a little later during this meeting of the territorial council by the president of the Collectivity, the last report of the Territorial Chamber of Accounts indicates: “The risks of non-recovery of debts are neither evaluated nor provisioned. Expenses and income are poorly linked to financial years and suspense accounts are only cleared at random ”. The administrator of public finances confirms that since 2010 the Collectivity has made no admissions in non-value. Convinced, the elected members voted for the admission in non-value unanimously, opposition included.

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