On Monday, December 18, 2023, the Territorial Council of Saint-Martin, meeting in plenary session, voted on a deliberation on the creation of a School of Public Management (EMP) in Saint-Martin. The first class of this public management school will see the light of day on February 24, 2024.
This new structure is intended to respond to an identified need for professionalization in the management of territorial public services. This project is technically led by the General Directorate of Community Services and its Human Resources Delegation.
The managerial ambition is to take advantage of good practices and develop management skills. To do this, the Community wishes to work firstly for the quality of services to those administered but also to ultimately create a territorial center of excellence, recognized in the region and nationally, through innovative teaching methods, experimental courses in management and ultimately the acquisition of lasting skills.
Around twenty places are open until February 15, 2024, to Deputy Directors General, department directors or even department heads and project managers wishing to improve their skills. A certification will be issued after 9 months of training, in December 2024.
The creation of the Saint-Martin Community management school is part of a broader project, including the creation of a Management Campus aimed at providing a reassuring framework for students and supporting professional practices from several training of choice. Through this new learning structure, candidates will benefit from collective support and will be able to immerse themselves in good practices from the territories, by following courses but also by participating in one-off events or professional trips.
Louis Mussington hopes that all executives of the Community will be able to benefit from this management training course, no later than January 2027. A project welcomed with enthusiasm by the territorial advisors and executives of the Community, all convinced of the need to implement provides tools for increasing the skills of Saint-Martin residents, both functional and operational managers in the territory, serving the population as a whole.
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