The Collectivity introduces the Training Pass on its territory in partnership with the Local Mission and Pôle Emploi. This system contributes to the financing of individual training actions in addition to or in the absence of a collective training offer scheduled for job seekers.
The system is financed up to 85% by the European Social Fund (ESF), on the credits of the 2021-2027 Program. 100 Training Passes will be issued in 2023. Through the Training Pass, the Collectivity is creating a new financing mechanism for individual training, which offers real added value compared to the existing one, by giving more flexibility in the implementation, payment of all educational costs and the establishment of remuneration for the beneficiaries of training. The Collectivity, in its role as a leader in vocational training, is thus offering a new tool based on a partnership with operators in charge of professional development advice. The system is based on a list of professional fields and trades, updated and defined in consultation with socio-professionals, meeting the needs of the territory. Contracted for this purpose, the Pôle emploi and the Local Mission will be the prescribers of this system.
In 2023, 100 funding for individual training actions will be offered by the Collectivity, of which 70 will be delegated to Pôle Emploi for an amount of €560 and 000 to the Mission locale de Saint-Martin for a total amount of €30. The individual minimum amount for each request for training funding is set at €240 and there is no ceiling for beneficiaries under 000, for an overall budget of €8.
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