

Future training reservists in Saint Martin

Four new reservists from the gendarmerie participated in the Preparation Militaire Gendarmerie (PMG). This training took place in July in the premises of the barracks at La Savane.

From different backgrounds, the four candidates will be called upon to strengthen the units on a daily basis. The training was mainly based on the fundamentals of the profession of policeman. At first, they had to assimilate military bases, such as tight order, ranks, ethics, etc. Bases that were applied during the July 14 parade in the streets of Marigot. Reservists have also taken more technical training modules, such as professional intervention, shooting, first aid or even the traffic police. Knowledge that allowed them to broaden their field of expertise.

  People interested in             join the ranks of reservists of the gendarmerie can find information on the website, ou contacter l’adjudante Laetitia Capoulat, à la caserne de La Savane, au numéro 0590 52 23 32.



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