Mullet Bay – As in 2023, at the end of the Saturday morning rounds (9 holes in foursome, 9 holes in 4 balls), the teams from Saint-Martin and Sint Maarten each had 9 points.
This year it was decided to balance the Sunday singles by pitting golfers of the same level against each other, therefore without strokes returned.
The St. Maarten selection, made up of members of the St. Maarten Golf Association (SMGA), was desperate to stop the haemorrhage of 5 consecutive defeats. It was a question of "kicking the butt" of the Saint-Martin selection.
The suspense therefore remained intact on Sunday morning at the start of the 18 singles matches.
Each of the 18 golfers on the Saint-Martin team faced a SMGA golfer in match play (head-to-head) with a possible gain of one point per victory and half a point in the event of a tie.
And true to form, our representatives, determined to keep the Jason Nyuiadzi Trophy in the French part, went wild.
"At the end of the day", singles victory with a score of 10.5 to 7.5, closer than in 2023 (13 to 5), but sufficient.
Adding the 9 points from Saturday, Saint-Martin wins the 2024 Concordia Cup with a final score of 19.5 to 16.5 (22 to 14 in 2023).
St. Maarten is on the right track but an additional effort will be needed in 2025. Saint-Martin has been warned.
At the end of the competition, a A snack with drinks was served to the participants in the shade of the large ficus tree before the presentation of the Jason Nyuiazdi Trophy, symbol of the Concordia Cup.
The St. Maarten players had a hard time accepting this new defeat but nevertheless congratulated their counterparts from Saint-Martin by promising them their thunderbolts for the next edition in 2025.
This annual golfing event is the symbol of friendship and unity on our beautiful island during this Saint-Martin/St Maarten holiday period.
The Tamarins would like to thank Mullet Bay Golf Course and its staff, Caribbean Palms, Divico, CC1, Frigodom, Lavazza and Sprimbarth Cap Caraïbes for providing the Saint-Martin team polo shirts and…. Faxinfo.
Kiara, Jason's daughter who left us on the morning of the 2nd round of the 2010 Concordia Cup and her family thank the members of the SMGA and the Tamarins for associating the memory of her father with the Concordia Cup.
Next golf meeting Saturday November 23 for the DAUPHIN TELECOM TROPHY individually this year with many prizes to be won.
Registration and more information on golf in Saint-Martin:
Golf is a sport. Sport is a school of life.
Editor's Note: why not a golf course on the French side?
An ecological golf course, respectful of the environment and perfectly integrated into nature in the French part is entirely feasible.
It could be unique in the world if it also "straddled" the border. In addition to the exceptional additional asset that it would bring to our destination, it might hatch a new Tiger Woods Saint-Martinois in a few years. We should think seriously about it given the abandoned and frozen situation of the Mullet Bay golf course for almost 30 years which risks continuing. Many golfing tourists would return to St-Martin instead of going to the Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico and even Anguilla where the golf course is magnificent.
It is often said: in Saint-Martin we have EVERYTHING and it is true. But with a golf course, Saint-Martin would be by far the best tourist destination in the Caribbean.
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