For a few months, the Caisse Territoriale des Œuvres Scolaires (CTOS) of Saint-Martin has been facing a strike movement which seems to have no way out.
“The claims brought by the UTC / UGTG syndicate follow the decision of the Overseas Collectivity of Saint-Martin to terminate the functions of 16 contractual agents.
These non-renewals of contracts are due to the adoption by the Collectivity of an imbalanced budget, which is mainly explained by the extremely high level of staff costs with 225 permanent agents and 56 coordinators.
For the year 2018, approximately 11 million euros were allocated to this item of expenditure, corresponding to 88% of the overall operating budget of CTOS.
With very low revenues, of around 2 million euros in 2018, the Collectivity is forced to strongly subsidize the CTOS. As a reminder, in 2017, the amount of this subsidy was more than 9,5 million euros.
If it is possible to admit the constraints of the community, and that the gravity of the financial situation of the CTOS could go as far as compromising its independence thus placing it under the supervision of the State, I cannot ignore the plight of staff members who were brutally dismissed.
Indeed, the latter are now unemployed, even though a few months earlier they had been promised long-term employment.
The dissatisfaction of these agents is all the more understandable given that the Community's desire to establish these agents formally materialized when a protocol was signed in July 2018.
Today, failing to honor this commitment, in a situation of post-Irma economic crisis and because it is necessary not to break off the dialogue, it would be desirable for the Community to offer a real alternative for these agents.
Let us not forget that these are women and men from Saint-Martin, but also families, who find themselves in situations of economic distress.
We cannot remain insensitive to this ”.
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