STRIKE “To raise awareness of the injustice” of which the Saint-Martinois are victims


Today begins a general indefinite strike in part French. How will the protesters express themselves? The representatives of the unions and collective signatories of the notice do not wish to give details. Gathered at a press conference on Wednesday morning, they simply set out their objectives and expectations through this movement.

“We want people to understand our message. His silence does not help matters. We have to change the balance of power, ”said Eli Mussington, member of Soualiga United. “Several months ago we felt it was time to bring together the forces that are suffering a lot of injustice in Saint-Martin. After Irma, the State with the collaboration of the COM, it is obvious, imposes a reorganization of Saint-Martin without taking into account the local, social, cultural, historical reality, "he affirms. And to clarify: “the people below are more numerous than those above. Unity is strength ”. It is this desire to "raise awareness of this injustice" that Soualiga United intends, among other things, to pass by calling on the population to demonstrate. 


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  1. Jules Caylar, the sexual expert of the team April 11, 2019 at 18:49 Reply

    1,8 billion euros for 45 inhabitants who pay almost no tax to the state.
    A community that demands autonomy, but unable to manage itself, even before Irma.

    Obviously the state demands to stop doing anything.

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