Last November, 4345 people were registered with Pôle emploi in category A in our territory, according to the regional directorate of companies, consumption, work and employment (DIECCTE) of Guadeloupe. There is an increase of 1,4% in the number of job seekers over one month, and 0,2% over three months. For those under 25, this is an increase of 2,8% over one month. If we include categories A, B and C, this figure is also up by 1,9% over one month, to 4838 job seekers. In Saint-Barthélemy, 428 people in category A were registered with Pôle emploi. This number increases by 1,7% over one month, 3,9% over three months, and 18,6% over one year. Taking into account categories A, B, C, this number rises to 502. _EH
Commemoration: The ceremony of the 170th anniversary of the abolition of slavery organized in the Colombier valley!
The commemorative ceremony of the 170th anniversary of the abolition of slavery will be held for the first time in the Colombier valley, this Monday, May 28, ...
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