Tribute: The SNSM of Saint-Martin mourns the disappearance of its emblematic captain, Jean-Claude van Rymenant


A key figure in the National Sea Rescue Station of Saint-Martin, Jean-Claude van Rymenant died last Thursday at the Louis-Constant Fleming hospital center, on his 78th birthday. All old and new members of the SNSM will keep the memory of a determined, dedicated man who always knew how to keep a smile on the face of the demands of the mission that fell to him as boss of the SNSM of Saint-Martin from 2001 to 2016. _AF

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"Jean-Claude van Rymenant was involved from the start of the creation of the SNSM of Saint-Martin, in 2000, alongside Jean-Pierre Papaix and Claude-Marc, before becoming the station's boss, during 15 years, from 2001 to 2016.

A trainer in many fields, he has accompanied many of us to the top. In 2015, Jean-Claude was awarded one of the 4 prizes from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the heroic rescue of the Voyager 2 boat during Cyclone Gonzalo, in Marigot Bay. 

Since retiring as an active boss in 2016, he had remained very present and heavily involved in the life of the station as well as in the lifeguard team. 

His departure leaves us all with a bitter taste but he rewill forever be in our hearts and minds. Our thoughts also go out to his family and friends as they overcome this sad loss.

Goodbye dear Jean-Claude and may Neptune be by your side on this last journey”.

SNSM station volunteers Of Saint-Martin


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