INSERTION: An agreement signed in favor of young overseas people


Convinced of the need to strengthen their collaborations for the benefit of young people aged 16 to 25 seeking integration, businesses and overseas territories, the General Directorate of Overseas Territories (DGOM) and the National Union of Local Missions ( UNML) co-constructed and signed on July 18 a multi-year partnership agreement for the period 2023-2025.

This agreement is the culmination of a cycle of consultations mobilizing the 12 local overseas missions as well as their regional associations and the DGOM. This partnership will thus fully benefit the territories of Guadeloupe, Guyana, Reunion, Martinique, Mayotte and Saint-Martin.

It is broken down into three operational axes pursuing the same ambition in favor of young people in the overseas departments and regions:

– Establish a real working dynamic between the two stakeholders, in particular through participation in bodies and meetings organized by the UNML and through the creation of technical working groups around the intervention themes of local missions;

– Strengthen partnerships between local overseas missions and operators with whom the DGOM has privileged links, such as the Adapted Military Service (SMA), the Overseas Agency for Mobility (LADOM) or micro-credit players with a view to encouraging business creation and takeovers;

– Rely on each other’s better knowledge of territories, target audiences and local relays.

The framework agreement between the SMA and the UNML for the period 2023-2025 makes it possible to reaffirm the existing collaboration between the Local Missions and the SMA regiments. This involves strengthening the identification and referral of young people to RSMAs, and improving the exchange of information on the monitoring of young people within the framework of the Youth Engagement Contract (CEJ). This framework agreement will be subject to local variations within three months.

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