The Juliana International Airport terminal is unusable for several months, everything is happening outside of it for the moment: waiting room under a marquee near the employee parking lot, entry to the airport platform by a door in the perimeter wall, check-in under tents by the staff of each company, gantry for checking hand luggage and passport control in the sheltered part of the usual luggage delivery area (on the treadmill side), room boarding in this same hard-wearing area which has withstood Irma well, and boarding by bus. To have tested it, this new procedure is simple, effective and well established.
The arrival of passengers is located on the other side between the terminal and the cargo area, where passengers of private planes (General Aviation) usually pass. This area does not have a parking lot but the road there is wide enough to park on the right edge without blocking traffic.
This saving “back to the future” is unfortunately likely to last, the terminal repair work promising to be very long… To be continued. _AH
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