To receive the active solidarity income (RSA), any person residing partly in France must declare their income to the services of the Pôle Solidarité Famille de la Collectivité, even if this income is received partly in Holland.
This failure to respect this rule is criticized against AD, a forty-one-year-old woman born in Saint-Martin. She appeared last week before the local court of Saint-Martin following the control of her file by the anti-fraud unit of the COM in July 2019. The COM asks her to reimburse the 33 euros that she received between January 876 and October 2014, as well as 2019 euros in damages.
As part of a follow-up investigation, officers discovered that AD was a tour guide and co-founder of a partly Dutch business in this field. However, she never declared any income received in Sint Maarten or abroad. At the bar, AD explains that she only worked occasionally as a tourist guide. It was the father of her son (from whom she is separated) who offered her this undeclared job, a way for him to indirectly support his child. AD says she was getting between 150 and 300 dollars a month and that it was tips or gratuities. This is why she felt that she did not have to declare them on the French side.
Following the control and its meeting with COM agents in 2019, AD made its income tax returns.
AD is also accused of having received the back-to-school allowance while his son is in part Dutch school.
A six-month suspended prison sentence was requested by the deputy prosecutor. The judgment was reserved for October 8. (
All right, continue to investigate and return the money taken for the renovation of our roads, our schools, our stadiums. Provide social housing to people in need ……. Stop feeding people who have bad spirits and think only of themselves. I congratulate this approach and encourage it. And if my speech does not please you, go your way… ..