JUSTICE: The accumulation of his driving offenses brings a 58-year-old man to court


Thursday, September 1, AH appeared before the Saint-Martin court. He was accused of having, on May 30, 2022, caused a collision and this, without a driving license, while intoxicated and speeding.

May 30, 2022. Around 8:30 a.m., at the intersection of the impasse de Colombier and the national road, AH is driving. The 58-year-old man is intoxicated and driving at excessive speed. On leaving Colombier and entering the main road, AH struck the rear of CA's vehicle, the victim in this case. 

The drunken man refuses to make an amicable report. CA therefore decides to alert the police. 

When they arrive, they will find that the defendant does not have a valid driving licence. AH is taken into custody. He refused to submit to an alcohol test but told the gendarmes that he had drunk two beers. 

“2,45g of alcohol per liter of blood does not correspond to two beers. We can then deduce that the gentleman is used to drinking, ”reported the public prosecutor. 

The court found AH guilty. He is ordered to pay €400 for the offense committed, as well as €135 for the fine. AH is prohibited from driving a motor vehicle for a period of 6 months. _pc

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