The fall in unemployment is confirmed 


For the month of September, the Minister of Overseas George Pau-Langevin said she was satisfied with the overall drop of 0,5% in the number of job seekers registered with Pôle emploi in category A, in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Reunion. Only the island of Mayotte records an increase in unemployment.

Here is a summary of the ministry:

• Guadeloupe: -0,9% (+ 0.6% over one year)

under 25: -1,8% (-4,1% over one year)

• Guyana: -0,2% (+ 5% over one year)

under 25: -1,5% (-2% over one year)

• Martinique: -1,7% (-1,8% over one year)

under 25: -4,4% (-11,1% over one year)

• Meeting: 0% (+ 1,3% over one year)

under 25: -1,8% (-6,8% over one year)

• Mayotte: + 2,8% (+ 27,6% year on year)

under 25: + 6,8% (+ 14,3% over one year)


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