The Court reviewed the actions of the state interventions in Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy between 2007 and 2015 "in order to draw up, ten years later, an assessment of the change in status of these two territories". A summary procedure was given to the Prime Minister in December and made public yesterday.
After analyzing the situation, the Court of Auditors considers that "better management of the means and action of the State" must be ensured locally. Mainly in two areas: financial / fiscal and human resources.
The Court insisted very clearly on the lack of financial means and the insufficient support of the COM in matters of taxation. "The financial effort made by the State in favor of Saint-Martin since 2007 has not been sufficiently accompanied by a performance measure," she writes.
In matters of human resources, the Court noted that it was impossible to identify the "staff mobilized" in Saint-Martin because the administrative agents are attached to Guadeloupe. "The allocation process does not always distinguish between Guadeloupe and the Northern Islands which can lead to disappointments for agents who have applied for the first and who are assigned to Saint-Martin or Saint-Barthélemy", notes the Court which therefore suggests "separate management" of the human resources allocated in Guadeloupe and those allocated in the northern islands.
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