It is in these terms that Pierre Daniel Peres, painter who is participating in the new project of the Mercure hotel, described to us the new surrounding wall of the hotel. He arrived on the island last August 10 and after Irma he decided to stay to help.
We had an appointment with Rudy Issorat, communication manager of the hotel and like a little nod to life, at the next table, one of the artists of the project. He joins us and the conversation slowly flies away. The project itself but also Irma, the culture, the art… It is no longer a professional meeting, it is a nice moment of sharing, like the project launched by Baki Arbia, owner of the hotel and great art lover. "It's a process of sharing, meeting and discovery", explains Rudy Issorat. The original idea came from a Miami neighborhood, Wynwood Walls, known for its frescoes that, at one time, brought life back to a dying and infamous neighborhood. Inspired by this Mecca of underground culture, the Mercure team decides that the new perimeter wall will be a gigantic work of art and that it will bring color to the neighborhood and amaze passing travelers. When you ask the artist why he accepted, he simply replies that it is a way of expressing himself and of participating.
"I don't do this to show off, I do it with my heart. It's just the opportunity to express myself, it's my story ”Pierre Daniel Peres
Indeed, it is with the heart that they all work since no artist is paid. All agreed to participate in the adventure free of charge. The "wall" is gradually filling up before our eyes. Local and international artists follow one another and take their place naturally thanks to the organizational work of Alexandre Chapelin (visual artist) coordinated by Rudy Issorat. Each artist has his own style and style for each section of the wall. “We give free rein to the inspiration of artists, there is no real common thread. We are open to everything but it must still be open and positive. Adds Rudy. When we question them both, the artist and the communicator, about their affinities with art, they explain to us that they have been “bathed in it” since childhood. This explains their involvement in this beautiful project which can be seen as a composite and evolving work. Each time you pass, it will have changed so take advantage!_NB
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